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Berger Hunting Bullets 30 Caliber, .308 Diameter, 168 Grain, Match Grade, VLD, 100 Per Box (30510), Not Loaded

30510 679459305105



Hunting Bullets

30 Caliber, .308 Diameter, 168 Grain, Match Grade, VLD

  • For 1 in 13" Twist or Faster

    The Hunting bullet line is proving to be the most lethal big game hunting bullets available. All of our Hunting bullets are made in the VLD design. The VLD design incorporates a sharp nose that allows the bullet to penetrate 2" to 3" before it starts to expand. After the bullet starts to expand it will shed 40% to 85% of its weight as shrapnel into the surrounding tissue (internal organ). The combination between the shrapnel and the hydrostatic shock produces a massive wound cavity within the vital area (internal organs) that will be 13" to 15" long. This massive wound cavity results in the animal dropping fast since most go into shock after such a tremendous blow. Those animals that don't go down immediately will soon succumb to blood pressure loss and/or organ failure producing a quick ethical kill. Our bullets don't poke through like an arrow (high weight retention, deep penetration bullets) but instead dump their energy where it is most effective, inside the animal. Using the Berger VLD will result in an animal that goes down fast so you can enjoy the results of your hunt without having to track the wounded animal after the shot. You owe it to yourself to see how accurate and deadly the Berger Hunting VLD will be on your next hunt.
    The VLD (Very Low Drag) bullet design is a combination of two very specific features. The first is a boat tail which is common on long and heavy bullets. The second and most important design feature is the long secant ogive. It is this ogive shape that allows the bullet to experience less drag as it flies to the target. This reduced drag is how the VLD shoots flatter and is less affected by wind (less drift) than other bullets. Reduced drag also translates into higher retained velocity. These are important results if you want your bullet to help improve your accuracy by requiring less sight adjustments when conditions change.
    When we say "Match Grade" we mean that the highest quality copper and lead available is used in a process focused entirely on consistency rather than speed. The copper is made into the J4 Precision Jacket, which is recognized around the world as having the best concentricity available. We don't just claim to make jackets that measure .0003 or less variation in wall thickness, we actually do it with every lot. More often you will find that J4 Precision Jackets measure .0002 or less.

    Mfg Item Num: 30510

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